The Saga of Change Failcare
·1613 words·8 mins
When we last left our hero working in the Angry Pharmacy…… #March 1st, 2024
Where's Waldo and Carmen Sandiego have Fibromyalgia (and a love child on Epstein Island)
·1652 words·8 mins
So a thing happened:
The right and wrong reasons to give your pharmacist both barrels
·5000 words·24 mins
I admit, my shit is far from smelling like I rose.
Paying the PBM’s to service them.
·10498 words·50 mins
So I had this nice 2014 post queued up that involved:
·2903 words·14 mins
So enough with the serious posts about the idiots of the world.
The FDA obviously hates the public and needs to lay off the crack pipe.
·10491 words·50 mins
Submitted by a shitpot full of people, the FDA has gotten this wonderful idea to allow people (read: idiots) to buy Rx prescriptions OTC using a kiosk rather than a Doctor to issue the Rx.
How to make your pharmacy career less painful.
·8031 words·38 mins
Some asshole who shall remain nameless was giving me shit about my lack of posts (man, get a book published and you somehow think you’re God or something), so heres another gem for you all.
Cleanup on aisle 4.. now 5… oh damn.
·3051 words·15 mins
So life has been slow around the Angry Pharmacy.
Shooting yourself in the foot, 10% at a time.
·10982 words·52 mins
Something bad happened in California this year.
All in the same boat
·15166 words·72 mins
Before I continue on my usual tirade of broad stereotypes, foul language, and shit that makes Drug Topics avoid me like a crackhead the night before a holiday weekend; this post is dedicated to the brave men and women who risk their sanity day in and day out so the ungrateful masses can focus on your petty first-world problems.
Careastatin, 0 refills remaining.
·15851 words·75 mins
Anyone who has been in a relationship (professional – personal, it doesn’t matter) knows that it takes two to tango.
The true story about Retail Pharmacists and Twitter Doctors
·6874 words·33 mins
Ive been asked on more than one occasion (by MDs), why the ‘Angry Doctors’ on Twitter have such a strong Pharmacist following.
·2906 words·14 mins
I’m taking a break from my usual silence (I think i’ve flogged the welfare crackwhore/dumbshit patient enough) to comment on a few important points.
My made up graduation speech
·7871 words·37 mins
I’ve always wanted to speak at a pharmacy school graduation.
Be a dick, get a gift card!
·28767 words·136 mins
A wise man (OK, its my employer, fine) told me that the smartest investment a business can make is in its employees.
Vaccines, Autism, and Dipshit Jenny McCarthy
·11975 words·57 mins
By the time you read this, the Vaccine = Autism published by the BJM will be old news (Yes, I do write a bunch of rants at once and have them post at a later date).
Most trusted? Since when?
·15468 words·73 mins
Everyone has heard that Pharmacists are one of the most “trusted” professions.
We wish you a merry Crackmas!
·1041 words·5 mins
Here are a few things that I have written to celebrate the overly-medicated holiday season: